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The Church of the Nazarene and Protestantism, V. H. Lewis
Is Our Holiness Preaching Fuzzy? Editorial
Beeston “Miracle Cure” Poses Problem for Nazarene Secretary
When Should a Pastor Move? Harold E. Platter
The Altar Service, Isaiah Reid
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit, A. E. Airhart
The Pastor as a Worker, E. E. Wordsworth
Gleanings from the Greek New Testament, Ralph Earle
Who Can Slay the Old Man? James H. Whitworth
Ten Commandments for Hospital Calling, Wayne Welton
“Queen of the Parsonage,” Audrey J. Williamson
Doctor of Humanities, Oliver G. Wilson
Ten Commandments (For a first-time mother), Dana Brookins
Qualities that Make a Good Preacher, Lyle Prescott
Is Revival Coming? Dallas Baggett
Is Ours “ The Sanctification of the Sepulchre”? T. A. Hegre
We Need the Holy Ghost Sermon Workshop, Nelson G. Mink
Sermon Starters
Preaching Program
Book Briefs

Document Type

Journal Issue

Publication Date



Nazarene Publishing House


Kansas City, Missouri


Church of the Nazarene, sermons, preaching, holiness, full gospel, intercultural, missions, Wesleyan theology

Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Community Application, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Biblical Studies | Christian Denominations and Sects | Communication | International and Intercultural Communication | Liturgy and Worship | Missions and World Christianity | Practical Theology | Religion

Preacher's Magazine Volume 38 Number 05
