Project Type


Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Instruction in the field of comparative economics has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Once primarily a comparison of market capitalism and planned socialism, courses in this area now focus on the “varieties of capitalism,” including those manifestations which still retain a significant degree of governmental involvement. The continent of Europe provides an excellent case study in these contrasts. The International Business Institute (IBI) provides an excellent opportunity to teach these subjects in the context of the nations and regions under consideration.

Included in

Economics Commons


Apr 19th, 4:50 PM

Teaching Comparative Economics in a Study-Abroad Program

Reed 330

Instruction in the field of comparative economics has changed dramatically over the past few decades. Once primarily a comparison of market capitalism and planned socialism, courses in this area now focus on the “varieties of capitalism,” including those manifestations which still retain a significant degree of governmental involvement. The continent of Europe provides an excellent case study in these contrasts. The International Business Institute (IBI) provides an excellent opportunity to teach these subjects in the context of the nations and regions under consideration.