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Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


As aging occurs, great exposure to light leads to the build-up of fluorescent materials called lipofuscin in the retinal pigment epithelial cells. This accumulation of lipofuscin is correlated to the progression of age related macular degeneration and other retinal dystrophies. No cure for macular degeneration has been found, so lipofuscin is of great interest. The lipofuscin has been associated with an increase in radiation intake and a loss of photoreceptors in the retina. The compound A2E is being studied in this project because it is frequently found in the lipofuscin. The goal of this project is to further characterize A2E in the hope of better understanding retinal diseases. In this study, A2E was synthesized and cyclic voltammetry was used in an attempt to determine the reduction potential. This information may be helpful in clarifying the chemical properties of A2E.


Poster presented at the Reed Poster Sessions during Homecoming, October 2010. Faculty advisors for this project were Dr. Larry Ferren, Professor of Chemistry, and Dr. Willa Harper, Associate Professor of Chemistry.

Research for this project was funded in part by a March toward Meaning grant.
