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Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


The Village of Sanford, alongside the local chapter of Habitat for Humanity and volunteer committees of developers, are considering options to build back housing stock that was lost during the flooding. There are multiple potential lots in the Village that are being explored, with about 15-20 being potential sites to be investigated. Habitat for Humanity will facilitate the rebuilding of single family homes, but will need engineering expertise where it concerns the sanitation systems for multi-family homes, condos, townhomes, or potentially a senior center. There is no centralized wastewater system for the Village, so, engineering options would need to look towards small or decentralized systems including combined septic and leach field systems, land application systems, pond treatment systems, or batch reactors. This may include fieldwork to examine local soil conditions, environmental resources present, available land, and applicable costs. It is unlikely that the alternatives assessment would include a centralized wastewater treatment system.


Faculty advisor- Prof. Quentin S. Ragan

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