Document Type


First Advisor

Kristian Veit

Publication Date


Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


Prior research has provided evidence for a correlation between religiosity and anxiety, quantifiable differences between denominations, and a somewhat equivocal link between religiosity and social trust. This present study seeks to extend the existing body of knowledge by assessing the relationship between intrinsic religiosity and both trait and relational anxiety across denominational groups, and by measuring the relationship between relational anxiety and social trust. Participants (N = 1,905) were asked to provide their religious and denominational affiliations. Analysis revealed a modest negative relationship between intrinsic religiosity and trait anxiety. Overall, a weak, positive relationship between intrinsic religiosity and relational anxiety was indicated, but a negative relationship was found for several denominations.Significant differences were observed in these correlations between Protestant Christians and Catholic Christians. Last, it was found that social trust and relational anxiety were not related.

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