Document Type


Peer Reviewed


Publication Date


Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery; Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


History and literature complement each other. The study of history can be beneficial to understanding literature, as literature can be beneficial to understanding history. Seamus Heaney’s poetry concerning the Troubles can be better understood with a background in the history of the conflict as well as some knowledge about Heaney’s own views. Through examining Heaney’s poetry with history and biography in mind, a greater understanding of the poetry can be achieved. Through the reading of Heaney’s poetry, a better insight into the personal side of the conflict can help the reader understand the conflict as well. The same applies to other literature; in using literature to remember the past, perhaps future conflict can be prevented. In order to influence others to read more about the Troubles and other conflicts, libraries can create book displays about them to generate awareness and create discussion that could be helpful in working toward peace.


Honors Capstone Project completed in 2013 for Olivet Nazarene University.
