Lake of the Woods, Marshall County, Indiana Watershed Management Plan

D. J. Case and Associates

A copy of this management plan was donated to Olivet Nazarene University by the Black family. Benner Library's Digital Initiatives staff found the original content online and provided a link to that source.Unfortunately, the document is no longer online. A newer website for the Watershed Management is linked here.

J.R. Black was an advocate for the conservation of the Kankakee River and spent many years collecting data and working with multiple organizations to preserve the Kankakee River Valley.


The purpose of a watershed management plan is to identify ways to maintain or improve water quality in the lave and conserve healthy natural resources in the surrounding watershed. Through the process of developing the plan, a community identifies issues. proposes a range of solutions and prioritize actions for future effort. Communities with agencies for soil and water conservation practices.

This Watershed Management Plan (WMP) was developed for the watershed encompassing the Lake of the Woods (LOW) in Marshall County and the area drained by tributaries leading into the lake, which lies within the 14-digit HUC #07120001050090. These subwatersheds draining to the lake and the lake surface area total 6,418.7 acres with the entire area in Marshall County in north central Indiana. There are two perennial streams, four intermittent streams, roadside ditches and other waterways leading into the lake. The lake itself has a water surface area of 416 acres with a maximum depth of 47.9 ft and mean depth of 15.7 ft. The lake outlet was historically located along the eastern shore; the present-day outlet was dug in 1904.