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Scholarship of Discovery


“Are you politically left or right?” Students of politics cringe at how reductionist a simple political spectrum is. This is why early on in politics classes students learn how to expand the one dimension to two. Attitudes on social and economic regulation can show students the inconsistencies of Republicans and Democrats, and introduce Libertarians and Communitarians as consistent counterparts. What comes about when we add a foreign affairs axis to the social and economic regulation axes? This project adds that foreign affairs axis to our conventional 2-D graph, thus making a 3-D cube of political attitudes. We then find that this third axis is quite independent of the other two with only 3 of 22 political answers significantly related to the 11 foreign affairs answers respondents give.


This paper is based on a presentation to the Olivet Nazarene University community on April 24, 2014 in conjunction with Scholar Week 2014 and was funded in part through an Olivet Scholarship Grant.

The PowerPoint slides that accompanied this presentation are attached.

Contact Dr. Claborn if you are interested in seeing more of the data used in this report.

Ideological Mapping Presentation rough end b.pptx (323 kB)
Quick Stats for Scholar Week 2014 presentation
