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Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


This paper maps people’s politics onto three axes to see how those axes interrelate. 617 Midwestern faith-based university students answered 10 questions on social issues, 12 questions on economic issues, and 11 questions on foreign affairs. This project is specifically interested in knowing if the social and economic answers explain the foreign affairs answers. The biggest conclusion drawn is how little they do. One’s social and economic attitudes predict 5.5% of one’s foreign affairs. We can also conclude that social attitudes of these students drive party identification much more than economic or foreign affairs as students identify as Republican four-to-one, yet tilt left on economic issues and foreign affairs.


This paper is based on a presentation to the Olivet Nazarene University community on April 24, 2014 in conjunction with Scholar Week 2014 and was funded in part through an Olivet Scholarship Grant.

The PowerPoint slides that accompanied this presentation are attached.

Contact Dr. Claborn if you are interested in seeing more of the data used in this report.

Ideological Mapping Presentation rough end b.pptx (323 kB)
Quick Stats for Scholar Week 2014 presentation
