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Olivet, Illinois


university catalog, student rules, faculty, courses of study, religious influence

Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Scholarship of Faith Integration


Christian Denominations and Sects | Christianity | Higher Education | Religion


“The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” The great purpose of any true educational institution must be to assist men to meet successfully this end. Our desire is to provide opportunities that will develop all that is best in man; to establish a strong center of spiritual power and holy culture that will flow forth as a mighty stream of Influence to the four quarters of the earth; to help young men and women to an equipment that will enable them to successfully fill the different vocations of life and promote the kingdom of Christ. While exalting the intellectual we magnify the spiritual. We seek the strongest scholarship and the deepest piety, knowing that they are thoroughly compatible. The officers and teachers seek to impress upon the students the necessity of obedience to Christ, as well as high scholastic attainments. We seek to train, not a mere animal to do work in this world, but a man to live triumphantly and serve successfully in this world and the next. We seek to give the Bible its rightful place in the work of education. One authority is not sufficient to give the needed assurance of certainty. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall all things be established. So far as its power of revelation reaches, nature is a reliable source of information, and is the only one considered in the modern schools. But nature alone is insufficient. The Bible is also authoritative source of information, and we take it with us in all our work. It is most valuable in history, literature, science, and philosophy, as well as in theology. We consult both of these authorities freely, and base our teaching upon their combined revelations.

Olivet College Twenty-second Annual Catalog 19341935
