Document Type


First Advisor

Dr. Nicole Vander Schaaf

Publication Date


Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


This study examines whether an inhibited electron transport chain can be aided with supplemented creatine to make up for the challenged adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production mechanism. The electron transport chain is a series of protein complexes in the mitochondrial membrane that transfer electrons and couples this reaction with the transfer of protons across the membrane to produce ATP. The differences between male and female flies and the supplementation of creatine at a 0.15% concentration was studied. The relationship between these components was studied over the course of two 3-week trials using a fly treadmill and Drosophila. The effects of creatine on a mitochondrial disease modeled Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed by tracking climbing speed, leg width, and body width. The research yielded largely minimal differences between supplemented and non-supplemented, mutated, and non-mutated mitochondria, and before and after the trial. Combined gender trials showed qualitative decreases in leg width for mutated flies and a slight increase for wild type flies. Combining trials and genders yielded results that were largely inconclusive.

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