Document Type


First Advisor

Aggie Veld

Publication Date


Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


This study, funded by the Elbert Pence and Fanny Boyce grant, attempts to draw conclusions between the effects of selected chemicals on Drosophila melanogaster and their potential effects on humans. It explores the effects of theobromine, caffeine, ethylene glycol, and ammonia on adult D. melanogaster and its developmental stages. Effects of these four chemicals on D. melanogaster are expected to provide insight into possible effects on humans.

The study was run in triplicate with vials containing different concentrations of each chemical being tested, with a control group vial containing no added chemicals. Observation of each vial was documented daily, noting the progression of each developmental stage. A chi-square test was completed comparing the four chemicals to their overall toxicity, and to overall viability of the F1 generation. Correlations were analyzed for overall toxicity of each chemical and F1 viability. A one-way between subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the effects of each chemical on D. melanogaster development. A Tukey post hoc procedure was implemented to determine which of the four chemicals had a significant effect on the number of days in each developmental stage. Correlations were made between concentration of all chemicals combined and their overall effect on developmental stages, along with each individual chemical’s effect.

Inferences were formed based on the results of this study and of previous studies. Further research is necessary to reach a more definite conclusion about the effects of various chemicals on the development of D. melanogaster and the connection to humans.


Honors Cohort 5

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