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Scholarship of Discovery, Scholarship of Faith Integration


The magic in Harry Potter is not “sorcery” or invocational magic; it is incantational magic. Most of the objections of the Harry Potter novels are from people who have not read the books. The author, J. K. Rowling is more interested in alchemy than magic and uses Christian symbols and careful naming throughout the books, thereby delivering difficult truths to a postmodern audience in a way that they accept as givens, ideas they would otherwise laugh at. Harry's devotion to the truth and to what is right leads him to disregard the pain he may encounter in pursuing these great ends. He emulates courage, love and persistence in his fight against evil.


Conservative Christians should read this presentation before criticizing the Harry Potter books. As both Tolkien and Lewis have said, fantasy is a wonderful way to get across truth to resistant Moderns.

Harry Potter Bibliography.docx (4267 kB)
A colorful bibliography

Harry Potter written presentation take 2 Debra Mattingly.docx (308 kB)
Presentation notes by Debra Mattingly

Ladwig - Christian Themes in Harry Potter.docx (31 kB)
Christian themes by Laura Ladwig

Bibliography used in Debra M HP presentation.docx (14 kB)
Mattingly Bibliography

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