Project Type


Scholarship Domain(s)

Scholarship of Discovery


Author Abstract:

Within a chapel service students are able to place age and gender biases on the upcoming speaker for the following week. This allows them to make a predetermined decision as to whether they will give their attention to that speaker. This study looks at how these age and gender biases affect a student’s willingness and likelihood to pat attention to a particular speaker. This study is a 2 (speaker gender: male vs. female) x 2 (participant gender: male vs. female) x 2 (speaker age: older vs. younger) mixed ANCOVA. Expected findings for this study are a two-way interaction between speaker gender and speaker age such that a student would be least likely to give their attention to an older male speaker over the other three speaker types (older female, younger male, and younger female). This study will offer new information regarding the effects of ageism and sexism in relation to a student’s likelihood to give attention to a speaker. The results of this study could potentially inform students as to their biases. Having knowledge of a potential bias can alter the way an individual approaches chapel services.


Apr 18th, 8:50 PM

Age and Gender Biase: Students' Willingness and Likelihood to Pay Attention in Chapel

Reed 330

Author Abstract:

Within a chapel service students are able to place age and gender biases on the upcoming speaker for the following week. This allows them to make a predetermined decision as to whether they will give their attention to that speaker. This study looks at how these age and gender biases affect a student’s willingness and likelihood to pat attention to a particular speaker. This study is a 2 (speaker gender: male vs. female) x 2 (participant gender: male vs. female) x 2 (speaker age: older vs. younger) mixed ANCOVA. Expected findings for this study are a two-way interaction between speaker gender and speaker age such that a student would be least likely to give their attention to an older male speaker over the other three speaker types (older female, younger male, and younger female). This study will offer new information regarding the effects of ageism and sexism in relation to a student’s likelihood to give attention to a speaker. The results of this study could potentially inform students as to their biases. Having knowledge of a potential bias can alter the way an individual approaches chapel services.