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Welcome Message

Good evening and welcome to the annual President's dinner for Faculty and Staff. This evening also gives us the opportunity to celebrate and record many of the accomplishments and milestones of our colleagues. We are pleased to welcome several new members to he Olivet family.

The summer months have taken us in many directions; tonight we reunite and set our sights of the road ahead as we begin a new academic year. This time together provides us with an opportunity to check the compass, synchronizing our watches and review the University Agenda. Although we come from many places and bring to our various assignments as assortment of interests and abilities, we are united in our mission. This important focus enables us to move in the same direction, keep step with another and pursue an "Agenda for Excellence."

We are happy that you are here and invite you to relax and enjoy a wonderful evening together.

Jill and John Bowling

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Faculty Member of The Year

Mike LaReau, Associate Professor of Sociology, Director, Social Work Program

Staff Member of The Year

Betty Elliott, Director, Human Resources
